About Us

About Kutchi Mall

Kutchi Mall works towards to promote the unique and famous items made by the Great people of Kutch. We are committed to connected with all community of people weather they are creative in making food items, wood carving or beautiful handicrafts. We will be working with them closely as well as understand the uniqueness of each product items. We also believe in customer satisfaction and quality of products will be our top priority.

Kutch is a Unique district in the entire world because of Triveni Sangam with Desert , Mountain and Sea. People of Kutch are very creative and hardworking people. Local people in Kutch are famous for their different skills. They are famous in textile, pottery, lacquer work and wood carving. There are so many groups and different communities people who lives in Kutch from many years. So many Kutchi peoples are very creative and innovative in their respective field. When we talk about Kutch how can we forget about the Handicraft? People of Kutch are very innovative in creating the crafts from different materials.

Kutchi Mall is Joint Venture of the following Brands.

We will be launching with 500+ Products and 20+ Brands different from the entire Kutch Region very soon. Currently we are open to get your registrations as a Vendor in our Website.